Vitamin B12is known to be very important in the synthesis of the red blood cells. The redblood cells are the oxygen carriers of the body. They carry oxygen to each and every cell of the body, which in turn consume it for metabolism, thus providing energy. So, in short, we know that Vitamin B12 is very essential for a healthy life. Though it is available in food we eat, especially seafood, fishes, meat etc. However, there could be two reasons for deficiency, one is that the food we eat might not be rich in this vitamin or the other reason could be that the body is not able to absorb enough of this nutrient. In either of these cases asupplementary diet is very essential. There are several ways of taking this nutrient, additionally. There are some pills available in the market and also injections. A vitamin rich diet is also prescribed by the doctors. Though a normal, healthy person might not need an additional dose of this, but those who are seeking a healthy weight loss, or elderly people, anemic people are the ones who need the vitamin B12 injection.
People whotake these injections for weight loss or something, may cease to take after afew weeks. Even those who are anemic may cease the consumption once the results are achieved. However, elderly people might want to continue the intake of vitamin B12 injections, as their body loses the capacity to make new red blood cells. Vitamin B12 is also an energy booster, hence it is recommended widely for people associated with lot of physical activity such as sports. And we already know that if we want to see instant effects of any medicine, it should be through injections. Therefore, it is needless to say that these vitamininjections also show their effect immediately.
Generally,these injections are given by a doctor, however, these days, vitamin shots canbe bought online as well. It is always advisable to consult the doctor before starting on this supplement. Usually, the dosage may vary from once a month to twice a month. There might be some side effects or allergies associated with these injections, and one needs to be aware before going for it. So, we can say that though these injections are very helpful in giving a person a healthy course of life, excess or non-administered dosage may cause complications.