An orientalrug can create a dynamic visual that any drab living space is lacking. Theintricate designs and pleasant colors add visual appeal to the room and help to coordinate the space with its belongings. With so many designs to choose from, selecting the oriental rug that's right for you can be quite the chore. Deciding factors for choosing an include quality, price, flooring, furniture, predetermined room decor and space, just to name a few! This is an important decision for any home decorator and should be made with careful pre-planning.
Let's startwith flooring. In my opinion, the best type of home for a new Persian rug ishardwood flooring. A well varnished, hardwood floor is a beautiful addition to any living space by itself, but with an oriental rug for contrast, the floor lights up with a new life all its own. The natural, earthy tones of a hardwood floor highlight most any oriental rug and provide a nice "frame" for the rug, as well. In return, the oriental rug draws attention to the hardwood flooring and protects it from getting scratched and scarred. A general rule to follow when selecting a Persian rug is to take into consideration the color of your flooring. If the wood grain is a lighter tone, then a darker oriental rug is a better companion than a lighter one. Likewise, the opposite holds true. A darker wood grain is better suited for a light-colored rug. Other types offlooring to consider for an oriental rug are marble, tile and in some instances, even carpet is acceptable. Color matching is imperative with any of these flooring styles.
Your roomdecor and furniture can play a big part in selecting an oriental rug. Curtainand upholstery colors are crucial to finding a persian rug that suits your room. The hardest part in making a decision here is to determine the color scheme of your space. By comparing all of the major colors you see in the room(curtain colors, upholstery, painted furniture and even the paint on your walls), you should choose the dominant color as a basis for choosing an oriental rug. This gives you a starting point once you begin shopping for the rug. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to go with the same color for yourrug, but you will at least know what to match it with. Sometimes matching to the secondary dominant color can be a wise choice for an oriental rug. As mentioned before, keep in mind the color and tones of your flooring, as well.
Price,sizing and quality are huge factors in choosing your rug. Persian rugs are notalways cheap, especially when you factor in the size of the room and the durability of the rug. When choosing the appropriate size for your oriental rug, obviously the size of the room you are decorating is important, but is not the only deciding factor. Maybe you want one large area rug that will cover the majority of the floor, or maybe even several small round or oval rugs to place beneath end tables or coffee tables. The possibilities are endless! All the same, pricing and quality are based on your needs and what you are willing to spend. Poorly made oriental rugs require more delicate cleaning and are often replaced sooner than you would think. The oriental rug you buy should be enjoyed, not an ongoing project full of problems. Also keep in mind that alarger Persian rug might not be necessary at all. More often than not, selecting a smaller rug of the same design can be a better call because in home decorating, less really is more. At the same time, downsizing to a smaller oriental rug can cause the price to go down, but the quality to remain the same.
When buyingyour oriental rug, don't rely on a mental picture of the room you aredecorating. This is a sure-fire way to end up back home with an out of place persian rug that you are unhappy with. Take a picture of the room with you. It doesn't have to be a quality photo. A quick polaroid or even a cellphone pic will do nicely. Even better, order one online while you sit in the room and match rugs for it! Either way, don't rely solely on memory. This is a mistake you can't afford to make, especially if the store has a no refund policy.
There is alot involved when choosing an oriental rug, but if you consider all of thesepossibilities before you buy, it doesn't have to be so difficult. The main thing to remember is to buy an oriental rug that is perfect for you. You will spend the most time with it, and you will be the one to either proudly display it or sadly turn visitors away in shame. Let an oriental rug be the star of your living space today!