One of thebasic guidelines in web design and development is seo image optimization. It involves image slicing andresolution reduction which makes file sizes smaller so that images load withouttaking much time. Specification of the width and height of your images in your HTML code plays an important role. A right usage of all the image slicing techniques will result in a faster loading of your website. This will save more of your storage space and also data transfer allowance for that content portion your visitors are looking for.
Let usdiscuss some drawbacks or issues which may arise without proper usage of thistechnique for your site:
Your sitemay loss number of visitors along with sales and return customers.
Pay Per Clickcosts may also soar up which may not benefit your business.
Anunexpected rise in hosting costs is also highly possible.
Visitors maynot feel like visiting your site again due to the tiring amount of time ittakes to load.
Check outhow image slicing and optimization can work out wonders for your website
With heavytraffic in internet marketing, the need for image slicing increases day by daywhich is further simplified with free online image optimization tools like Gifbot, Netmechanic etc Let us discuss in detail about some needs for image optimization in SEO:
To resolvethe space and bandwidth problems.
Forgraphical communication.
For fastloading of your website.
Few morereasons why this technique is a must for your site:
An easy taskto do.
There isless or no virtual competition in it.
If utilizedproperly it is a beneficial strategy to rank your website.
Properimplementation of it decreases cost hosting of your site.
Lessconsumption of space and bandwidth that enables fast download.
Can be usedfor free product promotion.
thistechnique to some extent lowers PPC costs.
Imageoptimization is a must for SEO marketing purposes and a right usage of imageoptimization tools will bring about more traffic at your site.